Saturday, 29 September 2012

Diet Diary: The End of Special K!

The Special K Diet is now over and the results are in!  But first I wanted to give a review of this diet.  I was also quite naughty and celebrated the end with a large Pepperoni Passion Domino's Pizza...sssh!!!!  

For those who haven't read my previous blog here is a breakdown of the Special K Diet.  For 2 of your 3 meals a day you can only eat Special K, I chose to have Special K for breakfast and Lunch and have a "normal" meal for dinner.  In between meals you can snack on fruit or Special K Bars. I chose to snack on fruit and sub the bars for Rice Cakes because those bars are so expensive and also quite sugary!  They also emphasise you should drink 6-8 glasses of water daily.  Kellogg's claim through this diet you can lose up to 6lbs and drop a jean size.  I also continued to work out during these 2 weeks alternating between Zumba, Cardio, Resistance Training, Tabata and HIIT workouts.

So Week One was fairly  easy.  I was honestly surprised as I thought eating nothing but cereal for 2 meals a day would leave me starving!  I made sure I had lots of fruit so not only was I snacking on something healthy but I sure as hell got my 5 a day!  I chose not to do a weigh in and measurements at the end of week one as I am trying to this every 2 weeks now as a general rule anyway.  Its way more healthy to weigh/take measurements every 2 weeks rather than obsessively monitor it.  Your also more likely to see results this way.

Onto Week Two.  I made some changes this week because honestly Special K tastes like crap.  Its really tough and crackly and has zero flavour!  So I chose to sub Special K with a Full English Breakfast.  JOKE! In reality I subbed it for Bran Flakes as I actually really like Bran Flakes and I would probably say they are better then Special K as they have all the same vitamins, low cal, low fat but also have a ton of fibre which Special K doesn't.  

To sum up the negatives of this diet, Special K tastes like crap so I couldn't endure the full 2 weeks with it and subbed for an alternate healthy cereal.  It also became very monotonous towards the mid way mark as 2 of my 3 meals a day were so bland.  I also found I couldn't look forward to lunch as I normally would.  Also for me I didn't get the dramatic results this diet promised but I will come onto that shortly.

But I don't want to focus wholly on the negatives as there are some positives to this diet even though I did not get the desired results. Firstly, it reminded me how important breakfast is! When I started work at the hospital as a support worker I always ate breakfast.  We would serve the patients and then sit down with them and eat breakfast.  When I got my Assistant Psychologist post I started skipping breakfast and instead snacked on fruit mid-morning to tide me over to Lunch but would still be starving and therefore feel hungry after Lunch still.  So one thing I have took away from this diet will be to ensure I have breakfast in the morning since whilst doing this I didn't need to snack mid-morning and felt full after lunch.  The other positive is it encouraged me to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day which I am notoriously bad at.  So I stayed hydrated.  Drinking water also helped tackle hunger pangs when I wasn't hungry and actually just wanted a drink.  

So the Results!  Although there have been some minor changes I don't know if these can be wholly attributed to the diet since I have been working out a lot. 

BEFORE                                                                  AFTER

Weight: 147lbs                                                       Weight: 145lbs
Chest:    36 inches                                                 Chest:    36 inches
Waist:    33 inches                                                 Waist:   30 inches
Hips:      41 inches                                                  Hips:    41 inches

Also my stomach measurement (from belly button around) before was 37 inches and is 36 inches now.  I will do another blog shortly on my post Special K Plan as this blog is getting too long! 


1 comment:

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